
必威体育精装版规定的交强险优惠费率(The latest preferential rates for compulsory insurance).doc

必威体育精装版规定的交强险优惠费率(The latest preferential rates for compulsory insurance).doc

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必威体育精装版规定的交强险优惠费率(The latest preferential rates for compulsory insurance)

必威体育精装版规定的交强险优惠费率(The latest preferential rates for compulsory insurance) According to the strong insurance to pay a floating rate of interim measures, strong insurance to pay a floating rate and traffic accidents linked to last year was no responsibility for road traffic accidents, a discount of 10%, two consecutive years without the occurrence of traffic accidents, floating 20%, three consecutive years without a traffic accident floating 30%. China Insurance Regulatory Commission said that individual insurance companies are not strictly implementing the Interim Measures in the rate floating provisions, the road traffic accidents did not happen to policyholders, not preferential rates. China Insurance Regulatory Commission stressed that once found in accordance with the Interim Measures to pay strong insurance rates floating irregularities clues, should be promptly investigated and dealt with severely. The final insurance premium is calculated as: Premium premium * (1+ floating rate associated with road traffic accidents) * (1+ floating rate associated with road traffic safety violations) Floating factors and ratio floating factors Floating ratio Floating A associated with road traffic accidents A1 No road accidents occurred during the previous year -10% A2 No road accidents occurred in the last two years -15% A3 No road accidents occurred in the last three or more years -20% A4 Last year, there was a road accident without responsibility and death 0% A5 Two or two or more responsible road accidents occurred in the previous year 15% A6 Road traffic fatalities occurred in the previous year 30% Floating V associated with road traffic safety violations V1 There was no road traffic safety violation last year -10% V2 There was no road traffic safety violation in the last two years -20% V3 No road traffic safety violations occurred in the last three or more years -30% V4 All types of road traffic violations (except V5-V7) occurred less than five times in the previous year 0% V


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