
有色金属] 铝的矿物原料特点(Characteristics of mineral materials for aluminium in non ferrous metals]).doc

有色金属] 铝的矿物原料特点(Characteristics of mineral materials for aluminium in non ferrous metals]).doc

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有色金属] 铝的矿物原料特点(Characteristics of mineral materials for aluminium in non ferrous metals])

有色金属] 铝的矿物原料特点(Characteristics of mineral materials for aluminium in non ferrous metals]) [nonferrous metals] characteristics of aluminum mineral raw materials Aluminum is one of the most widely distributed elements in the earths crust and belongs to the pro - and pro - oxygen elements. Aluminum is found in nature in many oxides, hydroxides, and oxygen aluminum silicates. It is rare to discover the natural metals of aluminium. There are 258 kinds of aluminium minerals known in nature, of which about 43 are common minerals. As a matter of fact, the aluminum deposits made up of pure minerals do not exist. They are usually paragenetic distribution and mixed with impurities. From an economic and technical point of view, not all of the aluminum minerals can be used as industrial raw materials. A bauxite consisting mainly of diaspore or diaspore or gibbsite. The former Soviet Union due to lack of bauxite resources, refining alumina using nepheline and alunite. Chinas alumina, strontium and strontium ore can be recycled alumina. Diaspore is also called diaspore, and the structural formula and formula are AlO (OH) and Al2O3 - H2O respectively. The orthorhombic system is well crystallized, columnar, plate-like, scaly, acicular, and ribbed. The diaspore in ore generally contains TiO2, SiO2, Fe2O3, Ga2O3, Nb2O5, Ta2O5, TR2O3 and other different amounts of isomorphous mixtures. Diaspore is soluble in acid and base, but it dissolves very weakly at normal temperature and pressure. It can be completely decomposed at high temperature, high pressure and strong acid or alkali concentration. Diaspore is formed in acidic medium and is associated with diaspore, hematite, goethite, kaolinite, chlorite and pyrite. Its hydration can be changed into gibbsite, and dehydration can become alpha corundum, which can be replaced by kaolinite, pyrite, siderite, chlorite and so on. Boehmite or boehmite, boehmite, structural formula AlO (OH), molecular formula Al2O3 - H2O. Orthorhombic, crystalline,



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