
期货投机专有名词解释(Interpretation of proper terms in futures speculation).doc

期货投机专有名词解释(Interpretation of proper terms in futures speculation).doc

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期货投机专有名词解释(Interpretation of proper terms in futures speculation)

期货投机专有名词解释(Interpretation of proper terms in futures speculation) Appendix, futures, speculation, proper terms, explanation Futures - broad futures refer to commodities that pay only a certain proportion of the deposits and are paid for a period of time. For example, the building is under construction and the pre-sale of buildings is also futures. The narrow sense refers to the futures contracts traded on the futures exchange of world commodity futures and financial futures. Long, long - are bullish mean buying. Bears, short sales -- are bearish selling. Closing - buyers sell and settle contracts. For example, customers buy ten gold futures contracts at $three hundred and thirty an ounce, and when the price of gold reaches $three hundred and thirty-six an ounce, the customer orders to sell. Call it liquidation. Short - sellers to buy the contract settlement. For example, customers selling ten gold futures contract at $three hundred and thirty-eight an ounce, when the price of gold fell to $three hundred and thirty-two an ounce when customers buy order, with approximately, is called up. Bull market -- because the bull by the horns is tilted upward, so people used to describe the rising trend of the market. Bear market -- because bear waist always bent downward, so people used to describe the trend of bearish market. A broker who is entrusted by clients to handle commodity transactions. Margin - the amount of money required for each commodity to be set at a certain rate in accordance with its contractual value. For example, a contract for sixty-two thousand and five hundred pounds sterling futures in February 16, 1993, with the exchange rate to calculate the equivalent of about $eighty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty, but only for customers in the futures brokerage company according to the provisions of $four thousand (equivalent to about $four point five percent, gross about) can buy or sell a pound of futures contracts, which is $four thousand margin. Commiss



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