
沙盘比赛(Sand table competition).doc

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沙盘比赛(Sand table competition)

沙盘比赛(Sand table competition) A ERP directory, the role assignment Chief Executive Officer (CEO) director of marketing (CSO) production director (COO) chief financial officer (CFO) two, purchasing director ERP competition rules production line depreciation financing market access certification plant raw material products competing single breach important parameters of rounding rule ranking punishment rules bankruptcy treatment three, ERP competition strategic confrontation a strategy: the overall strategy against the two strategic confrontation strategy three Four, ERP fighting skills advertising market point of view of product advertising skills in view of strategic capital angle production line angle of five, the role of ERP chief executive summary summary marketing director, chief financial officer, director of production summary summary summary 4, a ERP, a role assignment, role name: CEO (CEO) Responsibilities: establish the strategic planning of enterprise development team decided to audit the financial status of enterprise decision to enterprise profit (loss) of note: in the sand table simulation CEO maximum function, if the team in the simulation in the comments left by CEO. The final decision. Two, character name: CSO (Marketing Director) Responsibilities: develop the market: the stability of existing enterprise market; actively expand the market forecast market to make the sales plan; reasonable advertising; according to the production capacity of enterprises, the customer orders the production department on time delivery; communication; supervision of payment recovery. The task and sand table simulation rules 1) formulated rules: Director of marketing advertising solutions according to the market forecast for each product and regional advertising, each market order is limited, not advertising can get the order. Sand table simulation in the physical sand table: after the completion of advertising, the marketing director to finance director for the total amou



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