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液压管道施工方案(Hydraulic pipe construction scheme)
液压管道施工方案(Hydraulic pipe construction scheme)
一、液压润滑管道的安装工艺流程预酸洗液配方见ybj207-85的附录B.二、施工方法1。管材验收(1)。用于液压系统的管材应具有制造厂的材质合格证,其规格型号、数量和材质应与施工图纸的技术要求相符。(2)。甲方购进的液压管材的表面不得有裂纹、折叠、离层和结疤缺陷存在。检查钢管壁厚时,除壁厚本身的负偏差值外还应包括同一表面部位的锈蚀、划道、刮伤深度,其总和不应超过标准规定的壁厚负偏差。2。槽式预酸洗为了减轻循环酸洗和油冲洗的负担,缩短油循环的时间,提高管道冲洗质量,必须对液压用的钢管在安装前进行槽式酸洗。(1)。槽式酸洗工艺脱脂─预酸洗─水洗─中和─水冲洗─钝化─吹干─封口(2)。预酸洗配方见ybj207-85的附录B,具体项目如下:(一)脱脂液A.成分:NaOH 8-10%碳酸氢钠1.5-2.5 %磷酸钠3-4%硅酸钠1-2% B.温度:60-80℃C.时间:约240分钟(B)酸洗液一、成分:盐酸12-15%;乌洛托品1-2%的B、温度:常温。C、时间:240~360分。(C)中和液:一:成分:氨水1-2%的B:温度:常温(D)钝化液一、成分:亚硝酸钠8-12%氨水~2% 1 1
B、温度:常温。C、时间:10~15分钟(3)。酸洗的现场选定酸洗现场要有以下几个条件: 1 酸洗现场要平整、宽敞、要有足够大的场地。 2 酸洗现场要有天车配合,如果在厂房外,要有吊车配合。 3 酸洗现场要有水源,水源要有足够的压力。 4 酸洗现场要设立干燥的压缩空气。 5 现场要有排水管,下水道等排水设施。(4)。槽式酸洗用防护用品有机玻璃面罩6套;乳胶手套6付胶鞋双;6(5)。酸洗槽的制作:脱脂、酸洗、钝化、中和槽采用不锈钢板制作,水槽采用碳钢板制作。(6)。酸洗技术要求:(一)。同类管子要捆在一起酸洗,防止不同规格的钢管混在一起影响施工。(B)。在钢管经酸洗、水洗、中和、水冲洗等一系列工序后,
Blow dry immediately, using dry compressed air. After drying, the ends are wrapped together with a clean, thick plastic cloth, and the ends of the pipe are wrapped and coated with antirust paint on the outer wall of the pipe. (c) the steel tubes after pickling are inspected visually and their walls are metallic. (7) acid washing operation regulations and safety measures (a). A detailed warning sign shall be set up on the pickling site, and no personnel shall be allowed to enter. (b) operators should be familiar with the properties of acids, bases and other chemicals, and master their usage. (c) wear face masks, gloves and so on during construction; wear work clothes and rubber shoes. (d) the preparation of the solution shall be carried out in strict accordance with the procedures specified in the manual and shall be prepared according to the required proportions. (E) when the acid liquid is prepared, the water is discharged first and then the acid is removed. When the acid is used, auxiliary tools such as glass sticks are used to slow down the acid liquid, so as to prevent spatter and slow operation. (f) flush with ple
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