
混凝土拌和站气动系统五故障的排除(Removal of five troubles in pneumatic system of concrete mixing plant).doc

混凝土拌和站气动系统五故障的排除(Removal of five troubles in pneumatic system of concrete mixing plant).doc

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混凝土拌和站气动系统五故障的排除(Removal of five troubles in pneumatic system of concrete mixing plant)

混凝土拌和站气动系统五故障的排除(Removal of five troubles in pneumatic system of concrete mixing plant) Removal of five troubles in pneumatic system of concrete mixing plant 2009-3-27 1 gas source failure The common troubles of air source are in air compressor, pressure reducing valve, pipeline, compressed air treatment module, etc.. (1) air compressor common faults are: check valve damage, piston ring wear serious, air inlet valve damage and air filter blockage. In the air compressor automatic shutdown after ten seconds, turn off the power, the greater the belt pulley by hand wheel, if you can easily turn a week, indicates that the check valve is not damaged, otherwise damaged; can also according to the automatic pressure switch to judge the exhaust vent, if air compressor automatic shutdown always did not stop until the exhaust, the air compressor starts again, the check valve is damaged and need to be replaced. When the air compressor pressure rise slowly and with oil leakage phenomenon, show that the piston ring of air compressor has been seriously worn should be replaced. When the inlet valve is damaged or the air filter is blocked, the pressure of the air compressor is increased slowly (but no oil channeling). Will the palm to the inlet air filter, if there is hot air from top, the intake valve is damaged, should be replaced; if the suction is small, usually caused by dirty air filter, the filter should be cleaned or replaced. (2) pressure reducing valve failure. Pressure transfer, high, often the pressure spring break or diaphragm rupture, must be updated; pressure rise slowly; generally filter screen plug, should be removed cleaning. (3) pipeline fault. When the joint leaks and the hose breaks, the part of the air leak can be judged by sound, and if the condensate water is blocked when the condensate is accumulated in the pipeline, the gas path shall be removed in time. (4) failure of the compressed air treatment assembly. The oil-water separator is clogged and damaged, and



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