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灌木(Shrub) 1 of Sabina vulgaris Alias: sabinavulgaria Scientific name: Sabina, vulgaris, Ant. Character: Cupressaceae sabina. Creeping shrubs. Ye Erxing: scales and spines. Cone ovate. Distribution: in Central Asia and europe. Yanqing Park and Beijing county have cultivation, drought resistance, barren. Usage: garden ornamental and pioneer tree species. Extracts can be extracted from branches, stems and roots. 2 Bauhinia Scientific name: Cercis, chinensis, Bge. Characters: Leguminosae bauhinia. Deciduous shrub. Leaves simple, alternate, nearly orbicular, entire. Flowers first, leaves open, clusters on old branches, purple red. Legume. Distribution: the parks, green spaces and courtyards in Beijing are cultivated. Usage: ornamental tree species. Bark, wood and root can be used as medicine. 3 golden pheasant Alias: broom Scientific name: Caragana, rosea, Turcz. Characters: caragana. Deciduous shrub. Leaflets 4, in palmate arrangement. Flowers solitary, butterfly shaped corolla, yellow or light red. Pod brown. Distribution: Beijing suburb mountain distribution, born in the hillside, ditch, or roadside shrubs. Uses: ornamental and water conservation tree species 4 of Amorpha fruticosa Scientific name: Amorpha, fruticosa, L. Character: legume genus amorpha. Deciduous shrub. Odd pinnate leaves. Panicle. Pods terete, with tumor like glands. Distribution: originating in the United states. Beijing sandy land, along the road and canals are cultivated. Shade resistance, drought tolerance, water resistance, humidity and salinity. Purpose: soil and water conservation and tree species. The branches can be made into baskets, and the shoots and leaves can be used as fodder. 5 Zanthoxylum bungeanum Scientific name: Zanthoxylum, bungeanum, Maxim. Characters: Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Shrubs or small trees with aromatic, often prickly spines. Odd pinnate leaves alternate, leaflets 5~9. Flowers unisexual, paniculate, terminal. Follicles, red. Distribution: originating in china. Beijing Low



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