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热力学温度(Thermodynamic temperature)
热力学温度(Thermodynamic temperature)
Thermodynamic temperature, also called the thermodynamic scale, symbol T, K (Kelvin, referred to as open). In early 1787 the French physicist Charlie (J.Charles) was found in a certain pressure, increasing the temperature of 1 DEG C, increase the value of a certain amount of gas volume (expansion rate) is a fixed value, the volume expansion rate of linear relationship with the temperature. IPTS-68 is a fixed point of a series of pure substances to the world through (such as hydrogen balance point, boiling point, phase equilibrium of hydrogen oxygen triple point, water triple point and freezing point of tin etc.) as a benchmark for the calibration reference thermometer provisions (such as platinum resistance thermometers and platinum rhodium / platinum thermocouple -10% and etc.) the corresponding interpolation formula is used to determine the temperature.
English name
Thermodynamic temperature
The international system of units (SI) is one of the 7 basic variables, thermodynamic scale scaling, symbol T. According to the principle of thermodynamics, thermodynamic temperature measurement, using the ipts-68.
Thermodynamic temperature, formerly known as absolute temperature (absolute, temperature).
The unit is Kelvin, the English is Kelvin, referred to as open, the international code K, but not degrees to indicate temperature. Kelvin was named for the memory of the English physicist, Lord Kelvin.
With absolute zero (0K) as the minimum temperature, the temperature of the three-phase point of the water is 273.16K, defined as 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic temperature of the three-phase point of water.
Celsius is a special name for the age of centigrade. The temperature of the triple point of water is 0.01 degrees centigrade. Therefore, the relationship between the thermodynamic temperature T and the conventional Celsius temperature T is T (K) =273.15+t (DEG C).
A unit of thermodynamic temperature (K) equal to the average of Celsius
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