
热点孰词僻义总结(Hot words is quick witted summary).doc

热点孰词僻义总结(Hot words is quick witted summary).doc

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热点孰词僻义总结(Hot words is quick witted summary)

热点孰词僻义总结(Hot words is quick witted summary) Hot cooked words added [summary] quick witted , allowallow? AdmitWe, must, allow, that, he, is, right, on, matter., this 2, addressaddress, VT, To, deal, with:addressed, the, issue, of, absenteeism., dealing with absenteeism 3, advantagetake, advantage, of spoofing (deceive), right?...... Make use of took advantage of the customer. to deceive consumers 4, appreciateappreciate? V. realized (realize) raising... Prices, prices, I, appreciate, that, I, may, be, wrong.This, land, value., has, appreciated, in, this land value added. Looked apprehensionapprehension around student examination room with apprehension. the The the student looked fearfully around the examination room with apprehension, apprehension, apprehension, understanding, apprehension, and understanding of the 5. 6, apprehensiveapprehensive, understood, uneasy, anxious (meaning and usage equivalent to afraid), apprehensive, for, sb.s, safety, worried about someones safety The To? Approachapproach to begin deal with or work the task with dread. on:approached started this task in fear Archarch adj naughty naughty n. bow an arch smile naughty smile He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9, argumentargument arguments, arguments 10? As not so much as... Said it is...... It would be better to say. Certainly the negation of the former 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. is a writer than a reporter of 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. (Its not so much from Zhenti) a hobby as a career (more like a career than = a hobby). It is used as a kind of occupation 11, assumeassume assume, assume, assume, assume, assume, an, obligation assume the obligation 12. Balancebalance sheet balance sheet 13, balancebalance balance, Something, that, is, left, over, a, remainder., balance: the remainder of something; the rem



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