硬压缩视频采集卡和软压缩视频采集卡的区别(The difference between hard compression video capture card and soft compression video capture card).doc
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硬压缩视频采集卡和软压缩视频采集卡的区别(The difference between hard compression video capture card and soft compression video capture card)
硬压缩视频采集卡和软压缩视频采集卡的区别(The difference between hard compression video capture card and soft compression video capture card)
The difference between hard compression video capture card and soft compression video capture card
1) soft compression video card
Soft video compression card, is mainly composed of a plurality of image acquisition chip as the core, combined with peripheral circuits and components, a hardware circuit board products to complete the image acquisition function, soft compression video card from the appearance, the manufacturers do basically the same, the difference is small, because the manufacturers are required to design circuit according to the data sample circuit chip and design basis.
The image acquisition of soft compression video card is accomplished by image acquisition chip (such as FUNSION, 878A), and image compression is realized by software, that is, by computer CPU calculation.
Soft compression products, because of the difficulty in development, not many varieties appeared on the market, mainly PIC02000 Canada, Shenzhen Ethernets ETHER8000 series, South Korea PICASO, South Korea KODICOM, the market also has some illegal copy of PICO, PICASO, KODICOM etc., own the product again named. Due to the soft compression product development difficult, to the development of such products basically belongs to the R D strength is very strong, high content of science and technology of software design, such as the use of appropriate software, performance and stability are good.
A) Canada PIC02000 is early foreign products, because of the rapid development of computer technology, the constant introduction of new products, the products will gradually withdraw from the market, the product image quality is not good, especially in image motion, will appear jagged and trailing. In addition the product video and image acquisition technology in modern hard disk technology, also lags behind, especially in the image when switching frame lost badly, cause image po
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