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磁化水(Magnetized water)
磁化水(Magnetized water)
Production of magnetized water
Magnetized water is a kind of water magnetized by a magnetic field. Let ordinary water at a certain velocity, along the direction perpendicular to the magnetic line of force, through a certain intensity of the magnetic field, ordinary water will become magnetized water.
Application of magnetized water
Magnetized water has a variety of magical effects, and has been widely used in industry, agriculture and medicine.
In industry, people initially treated a small amount of boiler water with a magnetic field to reduce scale. Now magnetized water has been widely used in various high temperature furnace cooling system, for improving the cooling efficiency and prolonging the furnace life has played an important role. Many chemical plants use magnetized water to speed up the chemical reaction and increase production. The construction industry uses magnetized water to mix concrete, which greatly improves the strength of concrete. Textile mill with magnetized water desizing, printing and dyeing mill with magnetic water color mixing, have achieved good economic results.
In agriculture, with magnetized water can make the soaking seedling, seed germination, high germination rate, seedling has the advantages of plant height, stem diameter and root length; with magnetized water irrigation, the soft soil, accelerate the decomposition of organic fertilizer, stimulating the growth of crops. Through practice, it is found that livestock farms can feed poultry and livestock with magnetized water, which can reduce the diseases and increase the weight of livestock.
Medically, magnetized water not only kills a variety of bacteria and viruses, but can also treat many diseases. For example, magnetized water treatment of various stone diseases (bile, bladder, kidney and other stones), stomach trouble, hypertension, diabetes and colds and so on have curative effect. For people who do not have disease, often drink magnetized water, but also pl
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