
福师10秋学期《数字逻辑 》在线作业一和二(答案供参考)(Fu Shi 10 autumn semester digital logic online homework one and two (answer for reference)).doc

福师10秋学期《数字逻辑 》在线作业一和二(答案供参考)(Fu Shi 10 autumn semester digital logic online homework one and two (answer for reference)).doc

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福师10秋学期《数字逻辑 》在线作业一和二(答案供参考)(Fu Shi 10 autumn semester digital logic online homework one and two (answer for reference))

福师10秋学期《数字逻辑 》在线作业一和二(答案供参考)(Fu Shi 10 autumn semester digital logic online homework one and two (answer for reference)) 1.101 keyboard encoder output (C) bit binary code A. 2, B. 6, C. 7, D. 8 2. in what input case, the result of the non - operation is logical 1 (A) A. all inputs are 0 B., and all inputs are 1 C. any input is 0, the other input is 1 D., and any input is 1 3. in the following logical circuits, there is not a combinational logic circuit (D) A. decoder, B. encoder, C. full adder, D. register In the following 4. circuits, an appropriate auxiliary gate circuit (B) is adapted to realize a single output combinational logic circuit A. parity detector, B. data selector, C. numeric comparator, D. seven segment display decoder 5. values of logical variables 1 and 0 cannot be represented (C) A. switch closes and disconnects the high and low C. of the B. potential. How much is the D. current?, 6. if there are 50 coded objects in the encoder, the output binary code bits (B) bits are required A. 5, B. 6, C. 10, D. 50 7. a sixteen binary number can be expressed in binary digits (C) A. 1, B. 2, C. 4, D. 16 8., a 8 select data selector, the data input has (D) A. 1, B. 2, C. 3, D. 8 9., the following code for the unauthorized code for (C) A. 8421BCD code B. 5421BCD code C. code D. code three 2421 10. a 16 - to - one data selector whose address input (select control input) has (C) A. 1, B. 2, C. 4, D. 16 11. compared with analog circuits, digital circuits do not include the main advantages (A) A. easy to design, B. versatility, C. confidentiality, D. anti-interference ability 12., the following code for the constant weight code for (B) A. B. 5421BCD C. three cyclic code code code D. code 13., the uniqueness of the representation of logical functions is (A) A. truth table, B. expression, C. logic diagram, D. sequence diagram 14. decimal number 25 is represented by 8421BCD code as (B) A. 10101, B. C. 100101, D. 10101 15. equal to octal number (47.3) 8 (A) A. (



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