
福布斯世界富豪榜(Forbes world rich list).doc

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福布斯世界富豪榜(Forbes world rich list)

福布斯世界富豪榜(Forbes world rich list) Forbes list of billionaires Forbes magazine was founded in 1917, has 86 years of history in the preparation of various rankings, launched in 1982 for the first time Forbes list produced unprecedented influence in the world, now, once a year the Forbes global billionaires list is being closely watched in the world. Forbes has compiled more than 100 figures, companies and lifestyle charts each year, and Forbess rich list has no doubt about the status of the world. He has gathered around the world. Forbes magazine in March 10, 2010 announced the 2010 annual global total assets of more than $1 billion in the rich list: [1] rich list total assets: $3 trillion and 600 billion, an increase of 50% compared to 2009 2 trillion and 400 billion. Rich list Total list of rich people: 1011 people, in 2009 to 793 people, including 89 women, last year was 72 people. The first list of billionaires: 97 people, from 22 countries and regions, 62 of them from Asia, Chinas 27 people on the list for the first time. Has fallen out of the list this year, the number of people returning: 164 people. List the number of all regions of the world: 403 people in the United States, with total assets of $1 trillion and 300 billion; 248 in Europe, total assets of $1 trillion; 234 in the Asia Pacific region, with total assets of $729 billion; 65 people in the Middle East and Africa, with total assets of $181 billion; America (in addition to the United States) 61 people, with total assets of $304 billion. Most rich cities: New York ranked first, a total of 60 people; followed by Moscow, a total of 50 people; London ranked third, a total of 32 people. Youngest Billionaire: Mark Jukberg, 25, founder of Facebook, ranked 212nd in the $4 billion market. The oldest of the rich: the 99 year old Swiss millionaire Walter Heffner to $3 billion 300 million ranked 287th. 05 annual Forbes billionaires list press conference Years value-added most rich: Brazil mining and oil giant Ike



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