
自动避障红外电动小车c51程序(Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program).doc

自动避障红外电动小车c51程序(Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program).doc

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自动避障红外电动小车c51程序(Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program)

自动避障红外电动小车c51程序(Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program) Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatic obstacle avoidance infrared electric car C51 program #include reg51.h #includeintrins.h #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define left_infrare 0 #define right_infrare 1 #define dj_state1 / / 0X5F. Right #define dj_state2 / / 0X4F #define dj_state3 0X1F / / left #define dj_state4 / / 0X0F. #define dj_state5 / / 0XfF parking #define light_off 0x0f / / turn off the steering lamp #define left_light 0X5F / / left turn signal two is 5F #define right_light 0XaF / / right turn lights 0xaf, two is 0xbf #define back_light 0XcF / brake lamp that lights #define front_light / / 0x3f headlights #define light_on 0xff / / open all the lights #define true 1 #define false 0 #define LCD_Data P0 #define Busy / / 0x80 for the detection of LCD in the status word Busy logo Sbit c=P1^2; / / turn signal enable end Uchar code talk1[]={backward}; Uchar code talk2[]={forward}; Uchar code talk3[]={Turnleft}; Uchar code talk4[]={Turn right}; Uchar flage =0x00; Sbit ledcs=P1^2; //74H573 chip select signal //sbit left_led=P0^2; / / left infrared emission tube //sbit right_led=P0^3; / / right infrared emission tube Sbit LCD_RS = P1^5; //LCD definition pin Sbit LCD_RW = P1^6; / / Sbit LCD_E = P1^7; Void Delay5Ms (void) { Uint TempCyc = 5552; While (TempCyc--); } //400ms delay Void Delay400Ms (void) {uchar TempCycA = 5; Uint TempCycB; While (TempCycA--) {TempCycB=7269; While (TempCycB--); } } //LCD read status Unsigned char ReadStatusLCD (void) { LCD_Data = 0xFF; LCD_RS = 0; LCD_RW = 1; LCD_E = 0; LCD_E = 0; LCD_E = 1; While (LCD_Data Busy); / / busy signal detection Return (LCD_Data); } //LCD writes data Void WriteDataLCD (unsigned, char, WDLCD) { (ReadStatusLCD); / / detection. LCD_Data = WDLCD; LCD_RS=1; LCD_RW =0; LCD_E = 0; / / if the crystal sp



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