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注意:本版面只供下载试卷录音用! 要查看试卷打印版,请点 HYPERLINK 7/quiz/take/index.php?QUIZID=1809whatToShow=Full \t _blank 这里。 说明: 由于试卷录音文件有可能很大,所以出于下载可靠性的考虑我们只提供按试卷各个部分下载录音文件的功能。请点击位于试卷各个部分开头的小喇叭()检查该部分的录音,点击下载按钮()下载该部分的录音文件。文件的格式为MP3。 要打印试卷供学生用,点 HYPERLINK 7/quiz/take/index.php?QUIZID=1809whatToShow=Full \t _blank 这里进入打印版页面后请点击网页浏览器的打印按钮打印试卷。 姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________ 学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________ 大学英语3网络自主学习单元测试1 试卷编号: Quiz1 考试时间: 80 分钟 满分: 100 分 Part 1 Multiple Choice (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1-10: BACDB/ DCDCA/ 11-20: ADDDC/ ADDCA / 21-30: ACBAD/ DBCAC / 31-40: ADDAA/ DACCA / 41-50: BCBBA / CBCBA 1. This young woman would have ____B___ curiosity because she was well dressed and looked very attractive. A. risen B. stimulated C. caused D. woken 2. A recent _A_______ was that about 20 per cent of college graduates joined the army of the unemployed last year. A. estimate B. number C. figure D. statistic 3. He said he was a policeman and therefore had the ___C_____ to stop speeding drivers. A. control B. influence C. authority D. priority 4. On the coast the weather is ____D___ with day after day of hot sun, in the mountains, however, the air cools quickly and until the end of June you can still find snow on the mountain tops. A. funny B. interesting C. romantic D. good 5. The door closed behind Tom as he scanned the handsomely furnished (装饰的) double room which ___B___ Albemarle Street. A. saw B. overlooked C. watched D. sighted 6. The same question was usually set in two forms: one that had __D______ answers to choose from, and the other where the pupil had to supply their own answer. A. some B. weak C. strong D. different 7. Some artists are able to ___C____ a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted to ________ a fleeting expression. A. grasp/get B. hold/capture C. catch/capture D. capture/catch 8. The boy ______D__ his friend out


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