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华附初中趣味数学题(China Junior High School Math interest)
华附初中趣味数学题(China Junior High School Math interest)
Chinese Zhongshan middle school junior high school mathematics competition examination questions
(15 points per day, a total of 120 points)
Class: Name: score:
1. there are A, B, C and D. The four people will be from the left of the bridge to the right at night. The bridge can only go two people at a time, and only a flashlight, crossing the bridge must use a flashlight. The fastest time for four people to cross the bridge is as follows: A 2 points; B 3 points; C 8 points; D10 points. A fast runner has to wait for someone who walks slowly. How can I get all the people to cross the bridge at 21?
Solution: AB over, B back, CD over, A back, and then AB, 3+3+10+2+3=21 minutes
2.125 x 4 x 3 = 2000. This obviously differ, but if the formula cleverly inserted two digit 7, this equation can be established, you know that the two and 7 should be inserted in what?
Solution: 1725 x 4 x 3 =20700
3., spring, summer, winter, summer, spring, winter, spring, winter, autumn, summer = spring, summer, autumn, winter, and spring, summer, autumn and winter represent four different numbers. Can you point out what numbers they represent?
Xie: spring, summer, winter and winter = summer, spring, winter, spring, winter, autumn, summer = spring, summer, autumn and winter
100 spring summer autumn winter dreams, * 100= 00 in spring and winter seasons, summer winter dry
And the product is less than or equal to 1000 * summer spring spring
When summer = 1, summer and winter, according to the multiplication table: winter =5 summer =3
If the spring is more than 6, by the spring of 3 * 5 = 3 spring autumn autumn 5 4000 7. can Zhiqiu
Spring 5 * autumn 3, spring 000 without solution
If = 5 and 6 spring spring spring summer = 3 = 445 * 3 so the spring and autumn autumn 5 = 43 No Solution
So summer = 1, because spring winter x autumn 1 = spring 1 autumn and winter, so autumn 5
Spring autumn autumn winter spring 1 * =1, * =3 = 3 when the spring spring,
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