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卡县名蛙(County frog card)
卡县名蛙(County frog card)
County frog card
Author: Mark Twin
A friend to the letter from the East, I went to visit his life with good temper, love nagging Simon Weller, ask about my friends friend Leon cnidian W smiley. This thing to what the outcome, I do. After my heart whispered, the cnidian Leon - W - Smiley is made that up, my friends dont know this person. He must be wondering: if I asked old Wheeler about him, will let him think of the cheeky Jim Simaileilai, quickly opened the chatterbox to those smelly and long, and I have nothing to do when I get old, are dead. If my friend did it on purpose, he was right.
I met Simon Weller when he was in rags mining camp of Angels a crooked tavern by the bar next to the stove comfortably nap. I noticed that he is fat, bald forehead, face serene, with gentleness and simplicity. He stood up and asked. I told him that a friend asked me to inquire about a childhood friend, a man named Leon cnidian W -- cnidian Leon smiley smiley - W - father, heard that the young evangelist Angel once lived in the village. I added that if Mr. Weller can tell me the cnidian Leon - W - Smiley priests message, I will be indebted forever.
Simon Weller pushed me into the corner, sealed my path with his chair, and told me the boring things in the following passage. His face with a smile and frown wrinkle, from the first sentence, he is not changed even tone. He is not naturally nagging; because he could not stop the conversation in a conscientious, a matter of conscience touching emotions, this is as clear as noonday told me according to his idea, never mind, the story itself is not ridiculous, but he put the story as a very important thing to do, but also on the two the protagonist in the story very much, think they finesse. I let him go on in his own way, has not been interrupted.
Well, father Leon Ni Das, the priest column -- well, here once there was a man named Jim
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