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历届格莱美奖获奖作品(Grammy Awards)
历届格莱美奖获奖作品(Grammy Awards)
Grammy award winning songs
Source: Lv Dafengs Journal
First (1959)
Best jazz band: Count Basie Basie
Best dance group: Count Basie Basie
Best RB performance: The, Champs, Tequila
Best male actor: Perry Como Catch A Falling Star
Best female artist: Ella, Fitzgerald, Ella, Fitzgerald, Sings, The, Irving, Berlin, Song, Book
Best Western country music: The, Kingston, Trio, Tom, Dooley
Best arrangement: Henry, Mancini, The, Music, From, Peter, Gunn
Album of the year: Henry Mancini Peter Gunn
Best record of the year: Domenico, Modugno, Nel, Blu, Dipinto, Di, Blu (Volare)
Song of the year: Domenico, Modugno, Nel, Blu, Dipinto, Di, Blu (Volare)
Best Original Soundtrack: Original Cast Gigi
Best album cover: Frank, Sinatra, Only, The, Lonely
Best Original Soundtrack: Original Cast - Various Porgy And Bess
Best record of the year: Bobby, Darin, Mack, The, Knife
Best newcomer: Bobby Darin
Second sessions
Song of the year: Jimmy, Driftwood, The, Battle, Of, New, Orleans
Best Original Soundtrack: Duke, Ellington, Anatomy, Of, A, Murder
Best female artist: Ella, Fitzgerald, But, Not, For, Me
Best album cover: Robert, M., Jones (art direction)
Best jazz band: Jonah, Jones, I, Dig, Chicks
Best folk music: The, Kingston, Trio, The, Kingston, Trio, At, Large
Best arrangement: Frank, Sinatra, Come, Dance, With, Me
Album of the year: Frank, Sinatra, Come, Dance, With, Me
Best male actor: Frank Sinatra Come Dance With Me
Best RB performance: Dinah, Washington, What, A, Difference, A, Day, Makes
The twelfth Grammy winners list
Best record of the year: 5th, Dimension, Aquarius/Let, The, Sunshine, In
Best album of the year: Blood, Sweat, And, Tears, Blood, Sweat, And, Tears
Best country male artist: Johnny, Cash, A, Boy, Named, Sue
Best newcomer: Crosby, Stills, And, Nash
Best female RB Artist: Aretha, Franklin, Share, Your, Love, With, Me
Best RB combinations: Isley, Brothers, Its, Your, Thing
Best album cover: Gary, McFarland, America, The, Beautiful
Best country
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