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在平面中描述立体——透视详解(Describe the stereo in the plane - Perspective)
在平面中描述立体——透视详解(Describe the stereo in the plane - Perspective)
Some friends like to use PS to do some three-dimensional objects, or draw some 3 dimensional scenes, but suffer from inaccurate shape or no strong visual impact.
This does not have a good sense of three-dimensional relationship, especially the basis of perspective,
For those of us who do not use 3D software PS enthusiasts, learning perspective is full of importance.
Remember the University of engineering graphics when you learn a little ~ Although forget a lot, but now the design of the application is still very helpful.
The next time the picture perspective very strong things, you can first use the brush to make a manuscript ~ so as not to take shape
First, the significance of perspective
Design requires the use of diagrams to express ideas. In the advertising art, architecture, interior design, sculpture design, decoration design and industrial design and other related fields, all is the painting to convey the idea of designers to the user, is to communicate through pictures.
Perspective is the most important to anyone who performs art and design. Whether in art, architecture, interior design, we must master how to draw perspective, because it is the basis of all mapping. Perspective helps to form real imagination. And its based on perfect graphics.
A perspective painting is a picture of the plane, elevation, or interior of a building, drawn from the design drawings, into a picture that has not yet been made solid. The three dimensional space is transformed into a drawing technique of two dimensional space with stereoscopic sense, and the designers expectation can be reproduced truly.
Perspective, attention should be paid to the color texture, picture composition, surface composition, perspective painting bears a great responsibility in the drawing technique, because the perspective beyond the surface figure of outstanding buildings, on the other hand, with excellent character painting.
In the performa
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