
如何做个成功的网站网站策划盈利4大原则(How to be a successful website 4 principles of website planning and profit making).doc

如何做个成功的网站网站策划盈利4大原则(How to be a successful website 4 principles of website planning and profit making).doc

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如何做个成功的网站网站策划盈利4大原则(How to be a successful website 4 principles of website planning and profit making)

如何做个成功的网站网站策划盈利4大原则(How to be a successful website 4 principles of website planning and profit making) The failure of the site may each have a reason, but successful sites have similar concept planning, how to be a successful website, we should learn from the successful experience of other sites, the following 4 principles of site planning, is the essential premise for a successful web site. One, KISS rule: simple, simple, atmospheric, intuitive style of the site! Have you ever heard of the KISS rule? Keep, It, Simple, Silly, this rule applies to all sites. A good website, need the most intuitive tell users on this website, what is the value? Whether you can get the required? Site planning is easy to fall into a trap, that all may use web skills, such as: frames, tables, fonts, GIF animation and so on are used, but these concentrated in a page, often gives the impression of messy. We prefer a philosophy that is clear and effective design + technology = a good site, keep the true meaning is simple: think about how to make your site visitors the information with your expectations and needs are the same. The technology and effects should be used in the right place for effective information and for visitors to pay attention to what they want to focus on. Two, understand your users, do not let God wait for more than thirty seconds! We should know the rule of Internet users: when users waiting for more than 10 seconds, is the basic of the site lost the first impression, if more than 24 seconds, the user can close the page, so the instant you site planning especially cattle, should not let you open the website of the time more than 30 seconds. If you exceed this time, you will lose your god. In addition, the definition of a good site: through elegant style design, to provide potential readers high-quality information. Make sure your page layout is clear, so that visitors can navigate your web site with just a quick glance and know which items to choose next. The more you k


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