
Maya 2009 快捷键(Maya 2009快捷键).doc

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Maya 2009 快捷键(Maya 2009快捷键)

Maya 2009 快捷键(Maya 2009快捷键) ` SmoothingDisplayToggle smooth display toggle (for smooth agents) - DecreaseManipulatorSize reduces the size of the manipulator = IncreaseManipulatorSize to increase the size of the manipulator [UndoViewChange undo view transformation RedoViewChange redo view transformation SelectCluster_in_Jasper selects clusters of gems PreviousKey, the key frame of the previous one After NextKey, a key frame / PickColorActivate pickup color activated ~ SmoothingDisplayShowBoth smooth agents both show + IncreaseManipulatorSize increases the size of the manipulator {PreviousViewArrangement previous view layout } NextViewArrangement layout of the latter view ShrinkPolygonSelectionRegion shrink polygon selection area GrowPolygonSelectionRegion extended polygon selection area To pick up PickWalkUp The lower down PickWalkDown pickup I left the PickWalkLeft pickup PickWalkRight to the right Page_Up SmoothingLevelIncrease smooth level increase The Page_Down SmoothingLevelDecrease smoothing level is reduced Insert EnterEditMode enters edit mode (press start, then press end) Enter CompleteCurrentTool completes the current tool Space ShowHotbox switch in a single view and four view / display marking menu Ctrl a ShowAttributeEditorOrChannelBox displays the property editor or the channel box Ctrl B TemplateBrushSettings template brush settings Ctrl C CopySelected replication Ctrl D Duplicate Association replication Ctrl g Group group Ctrl h HideSelectedObjects hides selected objects Ctrl I SelectNextIntermediatObject selects the next intermediate object Ctrl m ToggleMainMenubar switch main course single Ctrl n NewScene new scene Ctrl o OpenScene opens the scene Ctrl Q Quit exits Save scenes from Ctrl s SaveScene Ctrl V PasteSelected paste Ctrl w SoftModTool soft modify tool Ctrl, x, CutSelected cut Ctrl Z Undo undo Ctrl H ShowLastHidden displays last hidden The Ctrl F9 ConvertSelectionToVertices conversion selects the vertices Ctrl F10 ConvertSelectionToEdges co



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