围巾打结法(Scarf tying).doc

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围巾打结法(Scarf tying)

围巾打结法(Scarf tying) Balanced junction A. put the scarf around his neck and made a knot around it; B. rolled the scarf from the back of his neck; C. passed the scarf from the back and went through the gap in the direction of the arrow. Big bow A. put the scarf around her neck, or tie a knot on the left and right side in the next B.; the right of the overlap period scarves folded; the C. overlap scarf on the left that below, to the left of the scarf around on the other section along the direction of the arrow; D. tighten the knot. Little bow A. put the scarf around the neck and crossed a knot. B. adjusted the knot to front and back, and then struck a knot. Remind this knot is also very easy to play, very generous, but also not so big bow feminine, very suitable for love beautiful girls. Necktie knot: A put the scarf around the neck, the upper right side, and the back scarf in the direction of the arrow on the left side of the circle. B: after youve done it, put the scarf out of the gap. C: pull the scarf out of the gap. Special note: play and tie almost, but playing out of the knot will appear to be bloated, with thinner silk scarves. Asymmetric junction: A. crosses the scarf around the neck, the left side up, and the right section through the gap in the direction of the arrow. B. pulls the scarf out of the gap. Remind this node to the rebellious feeling, if you feel cool enough, you can try this play. Light knot A. the scarf on the neck around B.; the cross tie about two scarves to remind; this is the most basic play, very simple. Especially suitable for students who hurry to class in the morning Tongue knot A. scarf around the neck, the right side of the upper; B. will right end through the middle of the gap through; C. this section and then back from the gap, leaving some overlap. Remind if long scarf, put the tongue of some prolonged. This method of play is more suitable for lively and lovely people! French knot A. put the scarf around his neck and made a knot, lea



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