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以下是Pascal语言程序源代码,请分别写出程序实现的功能。 程序01:Program suma(input,output); var a,b,sum:integer; begin ? write(Please input a,b:); ? read(a,b); ? writeln(a=,a); ? writeln(b=,b); ? sum:=a+b; ? write(sum) end. 程序02:Program jh (input,output); var ???? zhi:real; ???? i,n:integer; begin ? write(Input n:); ? read(n); ? zhi:=1; ? for i:=2 to n do ??? zhi:=zhi*i; ? write(zhi) end. 程序03:program? may(input,output); var? far:real; ???? n,i:integer; begin ? write(Please input n:); ? read(n); ? far:=1; ? for i:=2 to n do ??? far:=far+i; ? writeln(far) end. 程序04:Program? agr(input,output); var? fap,jie:real; ???? s,i,n:integer; begin ? write(Please input s:); ? read(s); ? fap:=1; ? for i:=2 to s do ?? begin ???? jie:=1; ???? for n:=1 to i? do ??????? jie:=jie*n; ???? fap:=fap+jie; ?? end; ??write(fap) end. 程序05:Program zdszxs(input,output); type ? num=array [1..10] of integer; var ? a:num; ? i,x,d:integer; begin ? for i:=1 to 10 do ??? read(a[i]); ? x:=a[1]; ? d:=a[1]; ? for i:=2 to 10 do ?? begin ??? if x=a[i] then x:=a[i]; ??? if da[i] then d:=a[i] ?? end; write(x,d) end. 程序06:Program onceg(input,output); var? a,b,c,i:integer; begin ? for i:=100 to 999 do ? begin ?? a:=i div 100; ?? b:=(i-a*100) div 10; ?? c:=i-a*100-b*10; ?? if a*a*a+b*b*b+c*c*c=i then? writeln(i) ? end end. 程序7:program? cfa(input,output); var a,b:integer; begin a:=1;b:=1; for b:=1 to 9 do ? begin ??? for a:=1 to b do ????? write(a,*,b,=,a*b, ); ??? writeln; ? end end. 程序8:program mmd(input,output); begin var ??? k,n:integer; for k:=1 to 5? do begin ? for n:=1 to? 5 do ?? write(*) end; writeln end. 程序9:program maizi(input,output); var ? m,a:real; ? i,n:integer; begin n:=2;m:=1; for n:=2 to 64 do ? begin ?? a:=1; ?? for i:=1 to n-1 do ???? a:=a*2; ?? m:=m+a ? end; ? writeln(m) end. 程序10:program? spx(input,output); var? a:array [1..10] of integ
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