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2016/2017 學年書單
中一課本 (1H 班及1M 班)
書名 編著者 出版社 適用書目表 參考價目
□ 1. 啟思中國語文 中一上、中一下(第四版) 布裕民 李孝聰等 啟思 438.00
English Language
□ 2. Longman Elect JS1A (2nd Ed.) Gary Harfitt, John Pearson 181.00
(with Longman Elect JS1A Plus Writing support Potter, Sarah Rigby,
materials JS1A) (for the first term) Kitty Wong
□ 3. Longman Elect JS1B (2nd Ed.) Gary Harfitt, John Pearson 181.00
(with Longman Elect JS 1B Plus Writing support Potter, Sarah Rigby,
materials JS 1B) (for the second term) Kitty Wong
□ 4. Longman Elect Workbook JS1A (2nd Ed.) (for the Jeremy Lanaway Pearson 95.00
first term)
□ 5. Longman Elect Workbook JS1B (2nd Ed.) (for the Jeremy Lanaway Pearson 95.00
second term)
□ 6. Longman Elect Vocabulary Book JS1A (2nd Ed.) / Pearson 29.00
(for the first term)
□ 7. Longman Elect Vocabulary Book JS1B (2nd Ed.) / Pearson 29.00
(for the second term)
□ 8. Longman Elect Grammar Book JS1 (2nd Ed.) Richard Booker Pearson 129.00
□ 9. Performance Plus – Task-based Listening Level 1 Diana Esser Pilot 155.00
(with Data File Book and student CD) (4th Ed.)
□ 10. The Happy Prince (Student Book) (MM Graded Oscar Wilde MM 65.00
Reader Level 1) (for the first term) Adapted by H.Q. Publication