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Jiangsu Leader Standard Motor Co., Ltd. YX3 系列高效(EFF1)标准三相异步电动机 YX3 Series (EFF1) High Efficiency Three Phase Asynchronous Motors YX3 系列三相异步电动机是在Y 和Y2 系列电机的设计基础上的采用了新材料和新工艺。优质冷轧硅钢片被作为磁性导电材料。此外。 该系列产品符合能效限值的要求,符合欧盟EFF1 和GB18613-2002 的要求,并满足国内外客户对电机一般用途。电机具有更高的效率 和更好的节能效果,具有机座号:H80-355 的,功率:0.18-315kW ,极数:2,4,6,8,10 。 YX3 series of three-phase asynchronous motors is the series of low voltage three-phase motor for general purpose designed with the adoption of new materials and new technology on the basis of Y and Y2 series of motors. High-quality cold-rolled silicon steel sheets are taken as the magnetic-conducting materials. Moreover, the series meets the requirements on energy efficiency limit, it meets the requirement of EFF1 in EU and GB 18613-2002, and meet domestic and international customers on motors for general purposes. Motors have higher efficiency and better energy-saving effect, with frame of H80-355, power 0.18-315kW, pole numbers of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. 适用于:需要节能连续运行的场所:水泵,风机,破碎机,皮带输送机,面粉厂,离心机,冲床,电梯,包装设备,研磨机等 Applications :Pumps,Fans,Crushers,Conveyor belts,Mills,Centrifugal machines,Presses,Elevators,Packaging equipment,Grinders and others 特点:其外形美观、高效节能,F 级绝缘,防护等级为IP55,电机噪声低、振动小,运行可靠. Features: These series motors have many virtues, including beautiful profile, high efficiency and energy saving, class F insulated, the protective class is IP55, low noise, little vibration, running smoothly. 性能数据Performance Data 380V 50Hz 额定 功率 额定 堵转转矩 堵转电流 最大转矩 型 号 功率 电流 转速 效率 因数 转矩 额定转矩 额定电流 额定转矩 噪声 Tst Ist Tmax Type kW A r/min


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