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布宗维尔 Manoir Bouzonville 锻件生产能力 Capability To Forge A Wide Range Of Steel Grades 20 17,3 14,9 12,8 11 9,5 8,2 7 6 5,2 4,5 从产品设计到成品锻件的生产 玛努尔布宗维尔是闭模锻件和挤压锻件的全球供应商,致力于不同的市场,如油气、工程机械、矿山设备、发电设备以及军工产品等。 凭借其过硬的专有技术,玛努尔布宗维尔锻造厂可根据客户要求,提供各种形状的模锻件,重量可达1吨,以及长达 1.7米的挤压管件/ 圆形锻件。专业从事中小型流水线生产,玛努尔布宗维尔厂具备各钢种的锻造生产能力,从碳钢到双相钢、超级双相钢及镍基合金等。 随着机加工设备的投入,也使玛努尔能够向客户提供应粗加工、精加工或者具备装配条件的锻件产品。 Complex Forged Components from Design to Ready-To-Assemble Sets Manoir Bouzonville is a global supplier in closed-die and extruded forgings, focused on various markets such as oil gas, construction, mining equipment, power generation and military applications. With its strong and well-known technical expertise, Manoir Bouzonville forging plant jointly design with customers and supplies close die forgings of various shapes up to 1 tonne, as well as extruded tubular /cylindrical forgings up to 1.7 meters in length. Specialized in small to mid-size production runs, Manoir Bouzonville has the capability to forge a wide range of steel grades, from carbon steel to duplex, superduplex and nickel alloys. Recent investment in machining and control also enable Manoir to supply customers rough or finished machined components, ready to assemble. 玛努尔布宗维尔能够供应: Manoir Bouzonville provides: • 重量达1吨的闭模锻件; • Closed-die forgings up to 1 tonne • 长度达1.7米的挤压锻件; • Extrusion up to 1,7 meters long • 独有热处理技术;


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