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20 10 年 10 月 电 工 技 术 学 报 Vol.25 No. 10 第25 卷第 10 期 TRAN SACTION S OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Oct . 20 10 滑动电接触磨损过程变化的实验研究 郭凤仪 任志玲 马同立 赵汝彬 陈忠华 王智勇 (辽宁工程技术大学电气与控制工程学院 葫芦岛 125 105) 摘要 以浸铜碳 板、铜锡导线为摩擦副进行对磨实验,得出摩擦系数湍流状波动曲线, 从而提出了 板受流磨损过程的两个阶段 :跑合期、相对稳定期。针对 板在跑合期磨耗量大 的问题,论文通过实验得出了适当增大接触压力、提高 动速度可以缩短跑合期 时间,以减 少磨损过程中 的磨耗量,同时提高受流质量。利用 SSX550 扫描电子显微镜对跑合期、相对 稳定期的 板形貌进行分析,得出在跑合期受流磨损的主要形式为宏观电弧侵蚀与磨粒磨损 ; 而相对稳定期以微观电弧烧蚀和粘着磨损为主。 关键词 :电接触 磨损 跑合期 相对稳定期 磨耗率 宏观电弧 微观电弧 中图分类号:TM244 Experimental Research on Wear Process Variability ofthe Sliding Electric Contact Guo F engy i R en Zhiling M a Tong li Zhao Rubin Chen Zhonghua Wang Zhiy ong (Liaoning Technical University Huludao 125 105 China ) Abstract In this paper, a lot of experiments are carried out by using the high-performance sliding electric contact testing instrument, regarding the Cu impregnation carbon material and Cu-Sn wire as a friction pairs. A group of friction coefficient curves as turbulence are obtained, thereby two stages in the current- carrying friction process of sliding plates are proposed; they are running-in stage and relative stable stage. In connection with the problem of plate ’s heavy abrasion loss at the running-in stage, some conclusions are derived, if increase the pressure properly and elevate the sliding velocity, it will shorten the total time of the running-in time , so as to reduce the wear of the first stage and improve the current quality . At last the author analyzed the worn surface of Cu impregnation carbon material at the first period and the relative stable period by using the SSX-550. And foun


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