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3 5 环境 工程学 报 V o l. 3, N o. 5 2 0 0 9 5 Ch inese Journal of Env ironm enta l Eng ineering M ay 2 0 0 9 1, 2 2* 1 2 2 李 璐 黄启飞 张增强 蔡木林 闫大海 1. , 7 12100; 2. , 100012) DDT , , , , DDT 991 99991% , , 99199% ; , / , PCDD / F PCBHCB VOC) , , X53 A 1673-910 8 2009) 05-0891-06 Pollution em ission of co-processing polluted soil in a cement kiln 1, 2 2 1 2 2 L i L u H uang Q ifei Zhang Z engq iang Ca iM ulin Y an Dahai 1. C ollege of R esou rce and Environm en t, N orthw est A F U nivers ity, Y angl ing 712 100; 2. Ch in ese R esearch A cadem y of Environm ental S ciences, B eijing 100012 ) Abstract A project test was processed to analyze the effects of co-processing po lluted soil wh ich w as po-l luted by d ichlorod ipheny l trichloroethane and benzene hexach lo ride, DDT and BHC in short respectively) on ex- hau st em ission in a cem en t k iln. The resu lts show ed that the sufficient destruct ion efficiency DE ) and destruc- t ion and rem oval effic iency DRE) value w ere both h igh, the DRE value of DDT w as greater than w hile tha t o f BH C w as grea ter than 99. 99964% , bo th o f them w ere higher than the regulated DRE value of haz- ardou sw aste inc inerator in Ch ina. Com pared w ith contro l expermi ent, organ ic m icropo llutan ts inc lud ing PCDD / F, PCB, HCB, VOC ) , acid gas and heavy m etals in exhau st gas wh ile inc inerated po lluted so il w ere not in- creased sign ificantly and a ll test va lues w ere w e ll be low the em ission


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