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泛读3 Unit 9

Unit 9 Word Protest: 1.Uncouth [?n?ku:θ] adj. (of a person or their behavior ) rude or socially unacceptable. (人或其行为)粗鲁的,无礼的,无教养的 Eg: uncouth laughter 粗野的笑声 An uncouth young man 无教养的年轻人 2. Brash [br??] adj. confident in an aggressive way 盛气凌人的,自以为是的 Eg: Beneath his brash exterior, he’s still a little boy inside. 他外表盛气凌人,内心却还是个孩子。 (of things and places) too bright or too noisy in a way that is not attractive. (东西或地方)耀眼的,嘈杂的 Eg: a brash supermarket 一个嘈杂的超市。 Brashly adv. Brashness n. 3. Assertive [??s?:t?v] adj. Expressing opinions or desires strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice. 坚定自信的,坚决主张的 Eg: You should try and be more assertive.你应该努力坚定信心。 Assertive behavior. 坚定自信的行为 Assertively adv. Assertiveness n. 4.Inadvertent [ ??n?d?v?:tn:t ] adj. /?aldtype=85an without intention. (especially resulting from heedless action)不注意的,漫不经心的。 Eg: The government has said it was an inadvertent error.政府声称那是无意的过失。 n. inadvertence 5.infringe [ ?n?fr?nd? ] v. ~ sth (of an action, a plan, etc. 行动、计划等)to break a law or rule. 违背,触犯(法规) Eg: The material can be copied without infringing copyright.这份材料可以复制,不会侵犯版权。 to limit sb’s legal rights 侵犯,侵害(合法权益) ~ on/upon sth Eg: She refused to answer questions that infringed on her private affairs.她拒绝回答侵犯她隐私的问题。 n. Infringement 6. tactile [t?ktl] adj. (usually before noun) connected with the sense of touch有触觉的;能触知的 Eg: He’s a very tactile man.他这个人很喜欢触碰别人的身体。 7. Deportment ?/d??p?:rtm?nt/ n. the way in which a person stands and moves风度,仪态 Eg: lessons for young ladies in deportment and etiquette.年轻女士的礼仪课 the way in which a person behaves 行为,举止 Eg: He is austere and grave in deportment. 他举止庄重严肃。 8. mollify ? /?mɑ:l?fa?/ v. to make somebody feel less angry or upset 使平静,抚慰 Eg: Say something to mollify his anger.你去劝几句,叫他别生气了。 9. ubiquity ?/ju?b?kw?ti/ n. something seems to be everywhere or in several places at the same time. 无所不在 Eg: the ubiquity of the mass media.大众传媒的


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