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鲁迅小说中冷热词语的翻译 英本2049班 朱君翠 200407325 摘要:鲁迅小说中有一个颇具规模的冷热词语系列,这个系列的词语具有鲜明的形象色彩意义。一些与人的生理感觉没有直接联系,纯然用于描情写意的部分特别引人注目。比如“冷”这个词语系列的运用就非常具有意蕴,此外,热这个词在其中也是频频出现,与冷词语共同反映了人物的内心世界,具有异曲同工之妙。本文试图通过解析其中冷热词语的运用,进而更加准确的理解作品人物的本质。 Abstract: There are a large number of cold and warm words in Lu Xun’s novels, these words have outstanding meaning of image. Some are not contact with physical feelings directly, but just used to depict things to call the readers’ attention. For example, the use of the “cold” in his works has some prolong meaning. On the contrary, the word “warm “is also often used. They together reflect the heroes’ inner world, they all made the novels famous and profound. The author of this paper tries to understand the essence of the heroes better through analyze the use of the word cold and warm. 关键词:形象 生理感觉 冷热 内心世界 Key Words: image physical feeling cold and warm inner world 一 “冷”词的运用 鲁迅小说中有42个冷词语的运用,有相当一部分是与人提的生理感觉有联系的。基于皮肤感受的冷觉是人的基本感觉,当这种感觉以词语符号的形式出现,用以表达人们具体的感受时,因联想而产生的形象便油然而生了。表示“冷”的词语通常译为cold, shiver, chill, bleak.用来表示人的外部感觉和内心感受。 1.1表示心理冷的句型 ⑴镇上的人们也仍然叫她祥林嫂,但音调和先前不同;也还和她讲话,但笑容却冷冷的。 《祝福》 The town people still called her Xianglin’s wife, but in quite a different tone from before; and although they still talked to her, their manner was colder. {The New Year Sacrifice) ⑵她未必知道她的悲哀经大家咀嚼鉴赏了许多天,早已成为渣滓,只值得厌烦和唾弃;但从人们的笑影上,也仿佛觉得这又冷又尖,自己再也没有开口的必要了。《祝福》 She may not have realized that her tragedy, after being generally savored for so many days, had long since grown so stale that it now aroused only revulsion and disgust. But she seemed to sense the cold mockery in their smiles, and the fact that there was no need for her to say any more. (The New Year Sacrifice) ⑶好一会儿,身上觉得有些发冷。 《药》 After some time, he began to feel chilly. Medicine ⑷阿Q正在不平,又时时刻刻感着冷落。 《阿Q正传》 Ah Q, disgruntled at finding hi


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