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Task 2: first reading of the text New words in part 1: (1-5) 1. propose (v.) --- 求婚 2. knockoff (n.) --- 仿冒品,山寨货 3. matrimonial (adj.) --- 婚姻的, = marital 4. bridesmaid (n.) --- 伴娘,女傧相 5. pastel-colored (adj.) --- 颜色柔和的,taffeta (n.) --- 塔夫绸 6. consignment shop --- 寄售商店 7. entourage (n.) --- 随从,随行人员 8. courtship (n.) --- 追求,求婚, 9. publicist (n.) --- 宣传员,公关人员 10. monomaniacal (adj.) --- 偏执狂的 11. whine (v.) --- 哀号, 诉怨 12. thwart (v.) --- 阻挠, 使…受挫 13. quarantine (v.) --- 隔离检查 New words in part 2: (6-10) 1. petite (adj.) --- (个子)娇小的 2. brimming with --- 充满… 3. navigate --- 驾驶,操纵,导航 4. eerily (adv.) --- 怪异的, 恐怖的 5. reminiscent (n.) --- 回忆往事的,喜欢怀旧的 6. drab (n.) --- 黄褐色的, 无生气的, 单调的 7. relentlessly (adj.) ---不屈不挠地 New words in part 3: (11-14) 1. dank (adj.) --- 冰冷的 2. tattered (adj.) --- 破烂的 3. prognosis (adj.) --- 预测(预诊断) 4. decadent --- 颓废的,堕落的 5. Incision (n.) --- 切口,伤口 6. bolster (vt.) --- 支持, 加固 7. poached egg --- 水煮荷包蛋 8. consummately (n.) --- 尽心尽力地,完全地 9. myriad (n.) --- a myriad of = a lot of 大量的,无数的 10. strain (adj.) --- 拉紧,绷紧 11. raspy (adj.) --- 刺耳的 Task 2: questions for general understanding: 1. Did the author have a romantic beginning on the way to marriage? Why or why not? 2. What made the author stop thinking about her wedding? 3. What did the author learn from taking care of her mother? 4. What does the wedding gift refer to? key 1. No, her boyfriend proposed when she was doing housework and everything about the wedding arrangement went wrong. 2. Her mother’s illness. 3. What’s really important in her life. 4. It refers to her mother’s recovery from illness. Task 3: intensive reading of the text: Part 1: (1-5) 1. Dream --- 用法 What’s your dream? (n.) Have a good dream. (n.) I dreamed a lot last night. (vi.) I dreamed of you last night. (vphr.) I dream of becoming a great man. (vphr.) 2. Take the matrimonial plunge --- ? get married 3. Neither big


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