APS6000系列说明书中英 - 菊水皇家.DOC

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APS6000系列说明书中英 - 菊水皇家

APS6000交流变频电源 APS6000 AC Power Source 使 用 说 明 书 User’s Manual 深圳市菊水皇家有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区西丽阳光工业区翻身小区10栋6楼电话:0755? ?传真:0755 网址:  HECK AND REGULATION STATEMENT 本公司特别声明,本手册所列的仪器设备完全符合本公司一般目录上所标称的规范和特性。本仪器在出厂前已经通过本公司厂内校验,校验的程序和步骤是符合电子检验中心的规范和标准。 We specially announce that the specifications and features of the listed instrument and equipment in this manual entirely compliance with the one listed in our general directory. The instrument already has passed our check before leaving our factory and the checking procedures measure up to the regulations and standards of the Electronics Testing Center. 产品品质保证Quality Warranty 本公司保证所生产制造的新品仪器均经过严格的品质确认,同时保证在出厂一年内,如有发现产品的施工瑕疵或零件故障,本公司负责免费给予修复。但是如果使用者有自行更改电路、功能、或进行修理仪器及零件或外箱损坏等情况,本公司恕不提供免费保修服务。 本保证不含本仪器的附属设备等非我公司所生产的附件。 在一年的保修期内,请将故障机组送回本公司维修中心或本公司指定的经销商处,本公司会予以妥善修护。 如果本机组在非正常的使用下、或人为疏忽、或非人力可控制下发生故障,例如地震、水灾、暴动、或火灾等非人力可控制的因素,本公司不予免费保修服务。 We grantee that all of our new instruments have passed strict quality control and meanwhile grantee that we will be responsible for granting free repair within one year after the instrument leaving our factory if it has any defects or spares failure. But we will not provide any free warranty services if the reasons as the user change the electric circuit, function or repair the instrument and spare parts without permission, or the external box damaged, etc. The accessories of this machine, which do not produced by our company are out of this warranty. Please send the fault instrument set back to our maintenance center or our assigned agents within the one-year warranty, we will repair it properly. We will not provide free warranty service if the failure is caused by incorrect employment, or negligence, or out of human control ability, such as earthquake, flood, riot, and fire or other non-human control factors. (本公司遵循可持续发展战略,保留对本说明书的内容进行改进不予先通知的权力) (Following the strategy of the sustainable development, we hold the authority of the modification for contents of the manual and wi


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