不同供水条件下侧柏和刺槐幼树的蒸腾耗水与土壤水分 - 应用生态学报.pdf

不同供水条件下侧柏和刺槐幼树的蒸腾耗水与土壤水分 - 应用生态学报.pdf

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不同供水条件下侧柏和刺槐幼树的蒸腾耗水与土壤水分 - 应用生态学报

2005 3 16 3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Mar.2005, 16( 3)∀419~ 425 * 1* * 2 1 1 王进鑫 黄宝龙 王明春 王迪海 1 2 ( , 712100; , 210037) , , 2~ 3 .,. , 805% ; 513 . 40%~ 100%. ! 8784% , ; . , 4627 % , , . . 1001- 9332(2005) 03- 0419- 07 Q94511;S7185 A Transpiration water consumption of young Platy clad us or ienta lis and Robinia pseud oaca cia trees and their cor 1 2 1 rection functions under different water supply. WANG Jinxin ,HUANG aolong , WANG Mingchun ,WANG 1 1 2 Dihai ( N or thw es t SciTech Un iv ersity of A g r ic ult ure and For estry , Yang ling 712100, China; N anj ing For estry Univ ersity , N anj ing 210037, Ch ina) Chin J A p p l E col . ,2005, 16( 3) :419~ 425. Through artificial w ater control in the shed of rainfree, this paper studied the physiological water requirement patterns of 2~ 3 years old P laty clad us orientalis and R obin iap seudoacacia trees during their grow th period,and the relationships between their transpiration water consumption and soil w ater supply.T he results showed that the transpiration w ater consumption of R obin ia p seudoacacia was increased with increasing soil w ater supply within the range of 40%~ 100% of field w aterholding capacity. Its maximum transpiration water consumption was at the early and accelerating grow th stages, accounted for 80. 5% of total annual w ater consumption. The transpiration w ater consumption of R obin ia p seudoacacia was


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