以知识探索为本之知识组织方法论及研究分析 - 后设资料工作组.pdf

以知识探索为本之知识组织方法论及研究分析 - 后设资料工作组.pdf

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以知识探索为本之知识组织方法论及研究分析 - 后设资料工作组

以知識探索為本之知識組織方法論及研究分析 An Analytical Review on Current Methodologies of Knowledge Organization :A Knowledge Discovery Approach 陳 亞 寧 Ya-ning Chen 陳 淑 君 Shu-jiun Chen 中央研究院計算中心 Computing Centre, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 【摘要 Abstract 】 隨著 Internet的應用與各式電子資訊資源的出現,雖有各式網路蒐尋引擎的設計發展,但是仍然無 法解決網路無序的現象。本文試圖從不同學科知識組織的觀點進行研究網路無序的可行途徑,進而達 成有效的知識探索。本文係採取比較分析法,以圖書館學的分類編目、資訊科技界的網路蒐尋引擎與 資料探勘,以及新近崛起的 Metadata 、語義網路與主題㆞圖為研究對象,探討對知識組織的起源、理 論與方法、現況發展與趨勢及問題。經比較分析後, 本文建議知識組織除了必須以資源管理為範圍外, 更應從知識的關聯性為㆗心,重新思索知識組織的基礎理論架構與方法,此外有關規模、經濟與變動 性等問題也必須㆒併解決,方能達成有效的知識探索。 With the advancement of the Internet applications and the emerging electronic information resources, the issue of chaos order for resource discovery on a networked scale still remains to resolve. The paper aims to offer new directions to enhance the efficiency of knowledge discovery, based on an analytical review of the current knowledge organization and discovery approaches stemmed from the library and information science, as well as the computer information technology field. The systems of classification cataloguing, search engines, data mining, metadata, semantic network, and topic maps are selected as a comparative case study by follows: origins, theories and methods, current status, and trends are also reviewed. Consequently, authors find that a relationship-centric association should be grounded as the key component of knowledge organization theory. Further, the factors of scale, economic and dynamic are also required to solve in order to achieve a highly efficient knowledge discovery. 關鍵詞 Keyword 知識組織 知識探索資源


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