双曲砌石拱坝的静力和抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程.pdf

双曲砌石拱坝的静力和抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程.pdf

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双曲砌石拱坝的静力和抗震性能分析 - 世界地震工程

24, 3 Vol. 24, No. 3 2008 9 WORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Sep. 2008 : 1007 6069( 2008) 03 0146 04 叶 锋, 王 民, 王艳芝 ( , 712100) : , , , , :; ; ; + : P315. 96; TV641. 3 1 : A Static and seism ic respon se analy sis of doub le stone m asonry arch dam YE Feng, WANG M in, W ang Yanzhi ( College ofW ater Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northw estAF University, Yangling 712100, China) Abs tract: The law s of deformation and stress change a double curvature stone masonry arch dam dam body under variousworking conditions are studied by the three dmi ensional finite element method, so as to understand the working situation of the dam body under design conditions, and the seism ic strength of the dam is evaluated. Calcu lated results show that the requirements for the damcs stress and displacement can bem et, the conclusion and a chievements of the dam have mi portant reference value for the smi ilar projects. K ey w ord s: double stone masonry arch dam; finite elementmethod; static analysis; dynam ic strength , , , , , , , , : , III, 7 , 66, 547. 5m, 4 m, 15. 5m, 0. 235, , C15 , / V0, , 60b, 40b ~ 50b, , () , , , 6~ 8 GPa, : 2007 08 12; : 2008 06 16 : ( 1983 ), , , . E m ail: jsyy18@ 163. com 3 , : 147 : : 547. 38m, : 543. 5m, : 533m 1 1. 1 ( 1), ( 2), , 1. 5 ( 3), ( 4), 1. 2 15. 4e , 1 25e , 4. 6e Table 1 The m ain physical param eters of the dam and foun


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