小学图书馆空间改造历程之探析 - 政治大学图书馆.pdf

小学图书馆空间改造历程之探析 - 政治大学图书馆.pdf

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小学图书馆空间改造历程之探析 - 政治大学图书馆

圖書與資訊學刊 3:3=78(Aug ’11)87-99 ISSN 1023-2125 小學圖書館空間改造歷程之探析 A Study of Elementary School Library Remodeling 曾 品 方 Pin-fang Tseng 臺灣大學圖書資訊學研究所博士生 Ph.D. Student, Graduate Institute of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University E-mail : pinfag@ 【摘要Abstract 】 本文以臺北市文山區萬興國民小學圖書館作為探討空間改造個案研究的對象,採用調查法分析使用 者的空間需求及用後滿意度。透過個案整體歷程的描述與分析,提出小學圖書館空間改造的建議有五個 面向,分別是:以使用者的需求為依歸,兼 具實用性和美觀性;以功能作為空間配置的導向,考量機能 性與靈活性;掌握改造歷程各階段的內容與重點;館員應主動瞭解積極參與空間改造;瞭解使用者滿意 度作為提昇圖書館服務的參考。 This study adopts Taipei Municipal Wanxing Elementary School library as the research subject and applies survey methods to investigate the process of its remodeling in order to analyze users’ space requirements and their evaluation of the remodeling. Based on results of the analysis, five recommendations for the remodeling of elementary school libraries are proposed in this paper. Libraries should keep users’ needs as the first priority while taking practicability and designing into account. The spatial arrangement should be characteristic of functionality and flexibility. Libraries need to keep track of the main progress in each stage during the remodeling. Meanwhile, librarians should actively contribute their opinions to the process of remodeling. After the remodeling completes, libraries should evaluate users’ comments and enhance qualities of library services. 關鍵詞 Keyword 小學圖書館 兒童服務 空間改造


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