某门式刚架轻钢结构厂房倒塌事故调查与分析 - 自然灾害学报.pdf

某门式刚架轻钢结构厂房倒塌事故调查与分析 - 自然灾害学报.pdf

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某门式刚架轻钢结构厂房倒塌事故调查与分析 - 自然灾害学报

19 5 V o.l 19 N o. 5 2010 10 JOU RNAL O F NATU RA L D ISA STER S O ct. 2010 : 1004 - 4574 ( 20 10) 05 - 0146- 05 霍静思 胡聪伶 杜运兴 罗 刚 张家广 ( 4 10082) : 2008 : ; ; ; : TU 352 : A Collap se analy sis of a lightweigh t portal fram ed structu re HUO J ingsi HU Congling DU Y unx ing LUO G ang ZHANG J iagu ang ( C ollege of C iv il Engin eering H unan U n iv ers ity C hang sha 4 10082 Ch ina) Abs tract: On - site investigation and detection w ere carried out on lighwt e ight porta l fram ed stru ctures w hich co l lap sed for the sup er ice catastrophe in 2008. Som e severe constru ction defic ienc ies w ere found and the effects of constru ction def iciencies on the stru ctural sa fety w ere ana lyzed. Structura l analysis fo r the design loads and the ap plied loads w ere perform ed and stru ctural strength o f their m embers w ere exam ined according to re lated codes. Based on obtained results the critica l causesw hich led to the structura l co llapse w ere determ ined and the deficien cies o f the sp ec if ication s of the code T echn ica l Sp ec ification s for L ightw eight P ortal Stee l F ram ed Bu ild ingsw ere dem on strated. A ccording to the co llapse acc ident and smi ilar acc idents it is recomm ended th at som e critical prob lem s of the re lated codes fo r design o f lightw e igh t steel structures should be so lved and m odified reasonably. K ey w ord s: lightw eight stee l stru cture; porta l fram e; ice and snow disasters; co llap se 2008 50 a 1 2006 2007 10 : 2009- 03- 2 1; : 20 10- 05- 27 : ( 1970- ) . Em ail: j ings ihuo@ gma i.l com 5 :


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