植物籽粒中植酸及其降解方法与产物研究进展 - 食品科学.pdf

植物籽粒中植酸及其降解方法与产物研究进展 - 食品科学.pdf

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植物籽粒中植酸及其降解方法与产物研究进展 - 食品科学

※专题论述 食品科学 2014, Vol.35, No.03 301 植物籽粒中植酸及其降解方法与产物研究进展 王新坤,仲 磊,杨润强,靳晓琳,顾振新* (南京农业大学食品科技学院,江苏 南京  210095 ) 摘  要:植酸广泛存在于植物籽粒中,是磷元素和矿质元素的贮藏库。本文介绍了植物籽粒中植酸的存在形式、抗 营养作用 (抑制矿质元素吸收、蛋白质降解、淀粉和脂肪降解),有益作用(抗氧化作用、抗癌作用、预防心脏病 和糖尿病);总结了不同类型(物理和生物)的植酸降解方法;综述了植酸几种主要不完全降解产物的研究进展。 为推动我国植酸功能成分的综合开发提供理论依据。 关键词:植物籽粒;植酸;降解方法;降解产物 Research Progress in Phytic Acid, Degradation Methods and Products in Plant Seeds * WANG Xin-kun, ZHONG Lei, YANG Run-qiang, JIN Xiao-lin, GU Zhen-xin (College of Food Science and Technology, Nanj ing Agricultural University, Nanj ing 210095, China) Abstract: Phytic acid, also known as hexakisphosphoric acid, exists mainly in plant seeds where it serves as the main storage form of phosphorous and minerals. In this review, the distribution, the negative anti-nutritional aspects (e.g. inhibitions of nutritional element absorption, protein degradation, and starch and lipid degradation), and therapeutic effects including anti-oxidant, anti-cancer, and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes of phytic acid are introduced, and its degradation methods including several physical and biological methods are summarized. In the end, the recent progress in research on several maj or incomplete degradation products is reviewed. This review is expected to provide a theoretical basis for promoting future comprehensive development and utilization of phytic acid-containing plant resources in China. Key words: plant seeds; phytic acid; degradation methods; degradation products 中图分类号:TS210.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630 (20 14 )03-030 1-06 doi:10.7506/spkx 1002-6630-20 1403059 植酸,即肌醇六磷酸(hexakispho



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