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客家文化創意商品之視覺符號研究 The Visual Sign Study of Hakka Culture Creativity Commodity *林曉筠 Lin, Hsiao-Yun **李億勳 Lee, Yi-Hsun *國立高雄師範大學視覺設計學系 研究生 National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Visual Design, Graduate student **國立高雄師範大學視覺設計學系 教授 National Kaohsiung Normal University, Department of Visual Design, Professor 摘 要 近年來,客家文化逐漸開始運用於設計領域。研究者因此想針對客家文化創意商品進行相 關研究,企圖從中探討客家文化創意產業的發展情況、客家文化資本目前運用於客家文化創意 商品設計方面的項目與運用程度等。本研究以符號學理論之作為分析客家創意商品的理論基 礎,然後將各樣本之分析研究歸類、統計並整理,最後提出結論與建議。研究結果發現:「油桐 花」與「台灣花布」最常出現於設計作品中,雖可以此推論政府推行的新興客家意象深入人心, 但也看出民眾常受此影響而出現設計侷限;此外,目前的客家文化創意商品所運用的客家文化 元素多著墨於表面層級,內在精神方面的發揮尚有許多發展空間。 關鍵字:客家文化、文化創意商品、符號學 Abstract Hakka culture elements start to be gradually utilized in the design domain in recent years.The researcher intends to conduct the related research in view of the Hakka culture creativity commodity, the attempt to discuss the state of play of Hakka culture creativity industry, the Hakkas cultural capital utilized in the Hakka culture creativity commodity designs nowadays and its using degree. This research is based on the semiotics theory to analyze the Hakka creativity commodity. Then the research classifies all the analyses of the samples, and then counts and reorganizes them, ultimately proposes the conclusion and the suggestion. The result of study is found, Tung bollsom and Taiwan cotton prints are discovered their appearances in the design work very often. Although we can infer that the emerging Hakka image promoted by our government strikes root in the hearts of the people. It also reveals that the populace have often been influenced by the above-mentioned and that results in their design limitation. In


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