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微波水熱法合成TiO 以浸鍍法製備防霧玻 2 璃之研究* A Microwave Hydrothermal Method to Prepare TiO for Anti-fogging 2 * Nano TiO thin film 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S.J. Lai Y.N. Shieh H.C. Su C.Y. Cheng T h e p u r p o s e of t h i s st u dy i s t o d ev el op a m icr ow av e hy d r ot h er m al m et h o d t o sy nt h e si z e TiO (a) n an o cr y st a l l in e an at a se Ti O t h at h a s a su p er- 2 2 (b ) hy d r op h i l icit y . A d ip c o at in g p r o c e s s p r ep ar e s Nano-TiO2 thin film that serves as an effective anti- fogging agent . The main advantages of microwave- hydrothermal processing of TiO2 are (a) rapid heating t o a desir ed t emp er atu r e an d (b) ext r em ely r apid 550 k inetics for cryst allization . We u sed a dip -coating method, where the substrate was dipped in a solution TiO SiO of titanium dioxide, to prepare anti-fogging films. The 2 2 SiO TiO thin film s were character ized by X-ray diffraction , 2 2 SiO TiO contact angle, scanning electron microscopy, UV/VIS 2 2 SiO Sp ect oph ot om et er, an d HA Z E comput er . Resu lt s 2 show th at the aver age th in film cont act angle is 5 5˚ degr ee th at m


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