
土层地震反应等效线性化方法综述 - 世界地震工程.PDF

土层地震反应等效线性化方法综述 - 世界地震工程.PDF

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土层地震反应等效线性化方法综述 - 世界地震工程

23 4 V o l. 23, N o. 4 2007 12 W ORLD EARTH QUAKE ENG IN EER ING D ec. , 2007 : 1007- 6069 ( 2007) 04- 0221- 07 1 1, 2 齐文浩 薄景山 ( 1. , 150080 2. , 06520 1) : , , , , , : : P315 : A Summ arization on equivalent linear m ethod of seism ic responses for soil layers 1 1, 2 Q IW en-h ao BO Jing-sh an ( 1. Inst itue of Eng ineering M echan ics, Ch ina Earthquake A dm in istrat ion, H arb in 150080, Ch ina 2. Institute of D isaster-P rev ent ion Science and T echnology, S anhe 06520 1) Abstract: One- d mi en sion equ iva lent linear m ethod is a m ain m ethod of se ism ic respon se ana lysis for so il layers. In this p ap er, the m ethod s b asic pr inciple is clarified briefly, its develop ing course and actua lities are summ a- rized. A cco rd ing to its b asic principle and application pract ice, its m erits and shortcom ings are pointed ou .t Its m erits are smi ple and clear conception, litt le ca lculat ion and easy application to eng ineering. Its shortcom ings are not to smi u late the soil s status rea lly when the w ave prop agates through so il layers, and are to obta in unreasonable resu lts when soft layer o r strong earthquake input is ca lculated by the m ethod in eng ineering practice. T he reason s w hy the m erits and shortcom ings app ear are analyzed briefly. K ey words: so il layer se ism ic respon se equ ivalent linear m ethod m erits and shortcom ings 1 , ,


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