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基于ASIS 系统的侧面柱碰台车试验方法
ISSN 1674-8484 汽车安全与节能学报, 2014 年, 第5 卷 第2 期 3/ 13
CN 11-5904/U J Automotive Safety and Energy, 2014, Vol. 5 No. 2 132 — 138
孙 奕,马财俊,江 南,沈海东,张孟周
( 泛亚汽车技术中心有限公司,上海201201,中国)
摘 要: 在中国在侧面柱碰的台车试验研究很少,尚未颁布国家的侧面柱碰法规。本文研制了一种
ASIS (Advanced Side Impact System)多侵入缸系统。设计了试验夹具,运用CAE(计算机辅助工程)
头部加速度峰值误差小于5%,脊柱和骨盆加速度峰值误差在 20%以内:该台车试验再现了整车试验
关键词: 汽车工程;被动安全;侧面柱碰;台车试验;侧面碰撞;侧面台车
中图分类号: U 461.91 文献标识码: A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8484.2014.02.003
Side pole sled test methodology using ASIS system
SUN Yi, MA Caijun, JIANG Nan, SHEN Haidong, ZHANG Mengzhou
(Pan Asia Technical Automotive Center, Shanghai 201201, China)
Abstract: In China, the side pole sled test methodology is not widely studied and the side pole impact
regulation has not been published yet. This paper presented a novel side pole sled test method. It was based
on the current Euro-NCAP (Euro-New Car Assessment Program) side pole test protocol with using the ASIS
(Advanced Side Impact System) multiple intrusion cylinders sled system. The sled fixture was built and the input
pulse was simplified by CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) simulation and optimization tool. A side pole sled
test was carried out and dummy responses were compared with that were obtained in vehicle tests. The results
show that the relative error of head peak acceleration is within 5%, thorax and pelvic peak accelerations are
within 20%. The sled tests can reproduce the dummy kinematics in the vehicle tests. Therefore, this method can