
基于强度折减法的高烈度地震区边坡稳定性分析 - 重庆交通大学.PDF

基于强度折减法的高烈度地震区边坡稳定性分析 - 重庆交通大学.PDF

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基于强度折减法的高烈度地震区边坡稳定性分析 - 重庆交通大学

第 30卷第 2期 重 庆 交通 大学 学 报 (自然 科学 版) V ol. 30 No. 4 2011年 4月 JOURNAL OF CHONGQING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) Apr. 2011 史石荣, 陈林杰, 余 超 ( , 400074) : , ANSYS , ; ; , , : , : ; ; ; : TU457 : A : 1674 0696( 2011) 02 0273 04 Slope Stability Analysis in H ighintensity Earthquake Zone by Strength R eduction M ethod SH I Shirong, CHEN L injie, YU Chao ( School of Civil Engineering Architecture, Chongqing Jiaotong Un iversity, Chongq ing, 400074) Abstract: Through strength reduction of rock and soil param eters, the seism ic slope stab ility factor during the process of earthquake was obtained by fin ite elem ent sofwt are ANSYS. The dynam ic characteristics of high slopew as studied after a nalysis of lateral acceleration versus tmi e of cross section. W ith examp les of slope in highintensity earthquake zone, the slope failure mechan ism under the earthquake was analyzed; feasibility of the strength reduction dynam ic analysiswas vali dated. The study ind icated that strength reduction analysis could determ ine slope stability in earthquake zone asw ell as the dynam ic effect. K ey words: finite elem entm ethod strength reduction; dynam ic analysis; slope stab ility; failurem echanism , [ 1 3] , , , , , , , [ 4] , , 1 ,


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