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27 6 Vol. 27 N o. 6 2009 12 Light Industry achinery D ec. 2009 [# ] 基于虚拟仪器的径向柱塞液压泵测试系统 , , , (浙江工业大学机械制造及自动化教育部重点实验室, 浙江杭州 310014) : 按照径向柱塞液 泵测试的试验要求, 从液 泵试验台液 回路测试硬件及测试软件入手, , LabV IEW 8. 5, , , 为高效开发液 泵的测试系统提供了一种新的途径 : 流体输送; 径向柱塞液 泵; 虚拟仪器; 测试系统 : TP274 : A : 1005-2895( 2009) 06-0059-04 RadialPistonHydraulicPumpTestSystem Based onVirtualInstrument WU L-i ua, GAO H ong-l,i Q I Z-i c eng, Q IU X in-guo (T eMOE Key Laboratory ofM ec an icalM anufacture and Autom ation, Z ejiang Un ivers ity of Tec nology, H angz ou 310014, C ina) Abstract: In accordance to t e radial p ioton ydrau lic pump tested requirements, starting w it t e ydraulic circu it of rad ial p iston ydrau lic pump, test ardw are and sofwt are, taking the rad ial p iston hydraulicp ump as the stud ied obj ect, thep ap er adop ted L a bVIEW 8. 5develop ing tool to com bine test techn ic and v irtual instrum ent and set up a test sy stem of hydra ulic p ump ) ) ) a setf or all test sy stem, data co llection, handle in one) ) ) w h ich is a new app roach f or dev elop ing h igh ly eff icient testing sy stem of the hydraulicp ump. Keywords: flu id transportation; radial piston ydraulic pump; virtual instrum ent; test system 0 , , [ 3] 3 , 1 [ 1]


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