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第 2 期 中  氮  肥 No 2 2 006 年 3 月 MSized Nitrogenous Fertilizer Progress Mar. 2006 设备管理与改造 大型活塞式压缩机异常振动的原因及对策 戴新西 , 贺运初 , 万智波 , 王大勇 (湖南金信化工有限责任公司 , 湖南 冷水江  417506) [摘  要] 对我公司的 1 台 6 列 M 型活塞式压缩机组振动和噪声异常以及一级、二级连杆大头瓦 快速失效的原因进行了分析。研究并实施了在轴系上加装配重体 , 以适度增大轴系的转动惯量来调整 轴系扭转振动固有频率的改造措施 , 有效消减了轴系的扭转振动 , 大幅度减小了机组的振动和噪声 , 提高了连杆大头瓦的使用寿命。 [ 关键词] 振动 ; 噪声 ; 改造 ; 轴系 ; 活塞式压缩机 [ 中图分类号] TQ 11126   [文献标识码] B   [文章编号] (2006) The Reason of Abnormal Vibration of a Largescale Reciprocating Compressor and Its Solution DAI Xinxi , HE Yunchu , WAN Zhibo , WAN G Dayong ( ) Hunan Jinxin Chemical Co, L td , L engshuijian g 417506 , China Abstract : The reasons causing abnormal vibration and noise , the accident of connecting rod bearing scuff wear of first stage and second stage in short time in 6M type of reciprocating compressor are analyzed , which turns out the torsional vibration of the crank To adjust the inherent fre quency of the crank , the measures by assembling balance masses at the crank are implemented to enhance the rotational inertia of the crank The amplitude of its torsional vibration is reduced effectly , the abnormal vibration and noise of the compressor are diminished greatly too , prolonged life of the connecting rod bearing Key words : vibration ; noise ; retrofit ; crank ; reciprocating compressor 联接而成 , 其中相对两列对动气缸的曲柄错角为 1  概  述 180°, 3 对


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