
大规模地震前后地壳应力和地震时空变化的相关性 - 地震测报中心.PDF

大规模地震前后地壳应力和地震时空变化的相关性 - 地震测报中心.PDF

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大规模地震前后地壳应力和地震时空变化的相关性 - 地震测报中心

大規模地震前後地殼應力和地震時空變化 的相關性 葉永田彭文飛 成功大學大地資源研究中心 呂珮玲 何美儀 羅翊菁 中央氣象局地震測報中心 摘要 大規模地震發生後,斷層附近區域的地殼應力改變為餘震時空分布的影響因 素之一;一般而言,地震發生後,餘震發生率將隨時間遞減,逐漸回復至震前的背 景地震頻率,以力學的角度來看,此遞減與地殼應力逐漸回復至﹙地震﹚斷層錯動 前的狀態之過程有關。 本計畫將以數值模式﹙有限單元法﹚為工具,以發生於臺灣之地震事件為案例, 計算地震斷層錯動後附近地殼應力改變之時空分布,並與觀測之餘震時空分布進 行比對,以瞭解地殼應力變化與地震頻率變化之相關性,並建構一關係式,以藉由 應力變化量與震後時間快速評估餘震發生頻率。此建構之推估模式可做為未來中 大型地震發生後,快速預測餘震發生位置與頻率之用。 關鍵詞:應力轉移、有限單元、餘震。 Abstract Due to the interaction between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates, many devastating earthquakes have taken place in Taiwan. Besides the suffering triggered by the main shake of large earthquakes, it is worth to pay attention on the disaster of aftershock. Some research show that, the location of aftershock and the corresponding seismicity are related to Coulomb stress changes after large earthquakes in Taiwan. In this study, we use the finite-element method (FEM) to calculate the Coulomb stress changes induce by the rupture of the fault plane, and try to estimate the relationship between the Coulomb stress changes and the location of after shake. We also use the FEM model of Taiwan to calculate the increment rate of tectonic stress generated by the convergent between Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates. Combine the increment rate of tectonic stress and Coulomb stress changes, the decay of seismicity of the after shake would be investigated. 353 Keywords: Coulomb stress changes, Aftershock, FEM. 壹、前言 臺灣是處於典型板塊碰撞所產生的大陸邊 緣島嶼,即於歐亞大陸板塊與菲律 賓海板塊相互碰撞之交界帶上,受菲律賓海板塊每年以約 8.2公分之速率向西北方 向擠壓,導致地層之應力不斷持續增加,此不斷增加之應力有一部份將藉由地層的 錯動而釋放,此即為臺灣頻繁地震之



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