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Installation of Enkasonic Enkasonic现场安装案例说明 用以下睡房的情况为例,简单地说一下Enkasonic隔振地台的干式安装: Illustration of Enkasonic installation (Dry Type): 对楼板面的平整度进行初步评估,1平方米内不能超过5mm。如果地面过于粗糙不能满足施工要求,需要对表面进行找平处理。如下图: Check the floor smoothness. Roughness should be smaller than 5mm within 1 sq.m. 2.平整度没问题后,就开始粘贴PEF3200围边胶。围边胶裁剪高度一般比楼板完成面高20mm,背面均匀涂上胶水,粘贴于墙身。如图: Clean the floor, cut the perimeter isolation strip into the appropriate size (Model: NOISESTOP? PEF3200), in general the height should be 20mm higher than the floor finish. Then, apply the glue at the back of isolation strip and adhere through wall. 3.做好围边胶后就开始铺放Enkasonic,白色纤维面向上。用Enkasonic一边多余的白色纤维面覆盖到另外一排Enkasonic上,再用皱纹胶纸粘贴紧,即可完成连接。如下图: Place Enkasonic over subfloor (or waterproofing membrane if applicable) with the black mesh down, white fabric side up. Tape sufficiently to prevent movement of the Enkasonic strips during construction. 4.铺排好Enkasonic后就开始,铺第一层GRC板,GRC板采用错搭法排布。并根据现场情况对GRC板进行切割,如下图: After the Enkasonic is installed, place one layer of GRC board on top of the matting. Then, place a second layer of GRC board. 4.在板与板的接合处安装连接码,用铁钉把GRC板固定,絕對不能用硬物,例如釘,螺絲或金屬物件將圍邊或地臺上的Enkasonic E固定, 如下图: Apply the joining plates on every joining angle between the GRC panels. Do not penetrate into the Enkasonic? with either wood screws or staples. 5.12mm厚GRC板起码要铺排2层后,就可做表面的木地板或地砖饰面。在做好完成面后把多余的PEF3200围边胶割除,再打上非硬化密封胶即可。 Install tongue and groove wood-floor on top of the floating 2-layer GRC board. Trim the excess PEF3200 perimeter isolation board. Apply sealant at the edge. 备注:湿式安装(浇注混凝土方式)大致和上相同。在完成第三步后,在Enkasonic表面铺上0.2mm厚防水薄膜,再浇注混凝土,混凝土内部配直径2mm网格50x50mm的钢网。待混凝土凝固后可做饰面处理。 Remarks: For wet type installation (concrete), after step 3, cover Enkasonic with a 0.2mm waterproof film, then, pour the concrete mortar bed, which supported by a 50x50mm 2mm diameter gauge welded wire mesh. After the proper curing of the bed, install the ceramic or marble tile. By 广州建声贸易有限公司 技术部技术工程师 黄善智/(Chris) Architectural Acoustics Technical Engineer Chris Appe


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