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插值方式对基于共同规范油轮疲劳评估的影响 *刘俊,黄铭1 (1上海交通大学船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海,200240) 摘要:为了抵制低标准船舶,国际船级社协会(IACS)订立了针对散货船和油轮的共同规范(CSR)。在油轮疲劳评估部分,CSR对于热点处应力范围的计算插值方式给出了说明。由于热点处往往应力梯度很大,不同的插值方式对于应力范围计算结果的影响非常显著和直接,进而会明显影响疲劳评估的结果。文中针对某已经运营的油轮依据CSR的规定进行了疲劳评估,并与其他常用热点应力插值计算方式的评估结果进行了对比,分析了插值方式对热点应力范围以及结构疲劳损伤和疲劳寿命估算的影响。研究表明,CSR对于油轮的疲劳强度要求远远高于该轮以前的入级规范,而JTP采用的求解热点应力范围的插值方式是直接影响因素,CSR所采用的插值方式是偏于保守的。 关键词:热点应力法,疲劳寿命,共同规范,插值方式,油轮 Influence of extrapolation method on Fatigue assessment of oil tanker based on Common Structural Rules LIU Jun1, HUANG Ming1 (1school of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China) Abstract: Common Structural Rules(CSR) has been developed by IACS for the purpose of rejecting lower standards oil tankers and ensuring maritime safety. The extrapolation method used to get Hot Spot Stress range is presented in the part of fatigue assessment of CSR. Since the gradient of stress is very high over the hot spot, different extrapolation method will bring on different stress range value. The choice of extrapolation method will have direct influence on the numerical outcome of the fatigue damage and fatigue life of the ship. The midship region cargo of an oil tanker, which is already in operation, has been modeled and fatigue assessment has been carried out following the instructions of the CSR. Some Different extrapolation methods have been used to get hot spot stresses ranges, furthermore, the influence of different extrapolation methods on numerical fatigue life value have been studied. The analysis shows that the fatigue strengthen requirement of CSR is far more strict then the rules of the corresponding Classification Society which the oil tanker classed. Moreover, it can be found that it’s the extrapolation method that CSR adopted resulting in such great disparity and the extrapolation method used in CSR is conservative. Keywords: Hot Spot Stress Approach;fatigue life;Common Structural Rules(CSR);extrapolation method; oil


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