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中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志 007年第 1卷第 3期 # 19# 张晓宇 单其俊 邹建刚 陈明龙 陈椿 杨兵 徐东杰 王劲风 沈童童 曹克将 [ ] ( )( H p) 66 ( 44, 22), ( ) 67, EL ISA H p-IgG, C ( CRP), H p-IgG, CRPH P H p- IgG H p-IgG (P 0. 05) CRP( 1. 17 m g/ d l s 0. 65 mg / d,l P 0. 05) H p, [ ] ; ; C; IgG R54 1. 7 A 1007- 2659( 2007) 03- 0219- 03 R elationship between atrial fibrillation and chronic helicobacter pylori infection or inflamm ation. ZHANG X iao-yu, SHAN Q-i jun, ZOU Jian-gang, CH EN M ing-long, CH EN Chun, YANG B ing, XU Dong-jie, WANG Jin-feng, SHEN T ong-tong, CAO Ke-jiang . Departm ent of Cardiology, The First A ffiliated H osp ital ofNanjingM ed icalUni ersity, Nanjing 210029, Jiangsu, Ch ina Correspond ing author: SHAN Q i-jun [ Abstract] Objective T o study the relationsh ip between atrial fibrillation( AF) andH elicobacter pylori( H p) in fection or inflamm ation. M ethods Sixty-six patients w ith A F and 67 patients w ith paroxysmal supra entricular tachycard ia as control group were in ol ed in this study. The IgG antibod ies ofH p were assayed by the enzym e linked mi m unosorbent as- say ( ELISA) H p IgG k it. C-reacti e protein ( CRP) w as determ ined by nephelom etry of elocity. H P-IgG and CRP w ere compared bewt een the tw o group. Relationsh ip betw een H P-IgG alue and AF or the other factors w ere analysed as well. R esults No differencew as show n in the positi e rate and logarithm alue ofH p-IgG bewt een AF group and the control one (P 0. 05). CRP of A F group was significantly h igher than that of the control group ( m ed ian1. 17 m g/ dl s 0. 65 mg /dl; P 0. 05). Conclusions CRP in AF group is h igher than that in the control group, wh ich ind icates that AF is


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