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智能叉车管理系统 Teknect Truck Fleet Management System 一、概述 Introductions 对企业管理者来说,获得叉车及其操作员准确的实时信息能够提升叉车安全管理和操 作效率。然而大多数管理者获得的信息都是随机抽取的,杂乱的数据;同时叉车作为特种 安全设备,如果疏于管理将产生巨大的风险。 智能叉车管理系统是来自苏州易信安工业技术有限公司的强大无线数据管理解决方 案,该解决方案能够通过一个友好的界面向决策者提供全国乃至全球范围内本企业的叉车 和操作员的实时准确信息,如意外事件记录、叉车利用率、作业效能和维护管理等。 管理者可以通过笔记本电脑或其它移动设备来获取这些信息,并且可以将这些信息形 成报表。于是,管理者可以依据这些信息发现问题并作出更有效的决策。 Managers and supervisors understand access to intact, real time information is critical to lift the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. In fact most of them are forced to catch the data they have: randomly collected and difficultly interpreted- often stash in binders and reports- that never meaningful views of situation and make it difficult to decide what to do first. With Ejsut Truck Fleet Management System, the wireless fleet management system from Ejsut Engineering, users save time and money by turning real time and historic data into organized, prioritized and actionable information that flags problems and opportunities as they occur. Ejust System is the one solution that provides everything from compliance and meaningful impact reporting to truck utilization data across a full line of trucks. 二、智能叉车管理系统主要功能 Ejust System Major Functions 该系统提供五大关键功能,帮助管理层轻松地降低叉车的运作成本及提高整体的工作 Ejust Engineering Easy and Safe for Forklift Trucks 效率。 The system provides 5 key functions to help managers to reduce forklift truck operation cost and improve their efficiency. (1)安全启动 Authorized Operating : • 当驾驶员扭动叉车启动钥匙后,驾驶员需要输入他的个人专用密码或通过扫描专用 的访问卡后,叉车功能才开始处于接通状态。 When an operator keys on a truck, s/he have to input the personal ID number or read his personal RFID card, and then power supply of the truck is connected. • 叉车功能接通后,屏幕(可选项)会自动弹出安全检查菜单,驾驶员对每项安全检查 作出确认,“可以”或“不可以”。当所有调查项目都通过“可以”键确认后,叉车才真正可以开 始运作。另外,系统会自动记录每天或每次的检查,方便日后有需要时的查阅。同时


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